Urban Geomorphic Assessment of Upper Penitencia Creek and Berryessa Creek

San Jose, CA.

Geomorphic Assessment/ Stream Channel Surveys/ Hydrologic, Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Modeling

Degradation of urbanized streams is a major concern for the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD); this project incorporated field data and numerical modeling to elucidate the primary causes of channel instability in two heavily urbanized watersheds. Project elements included historical aerial photo analysis, hydrologic analysis, detailed surveys of channel geometry for 6.5 miles of stream, monumenting over 100 permanent cross sections, bed material sampling, water discharge and sediment transport measurement, and numerical sediment transport modeling. The 100 permanent cross sections have been re-surveyed annually for four years to track channel change with time. This project also included extensive training of SCVWD engineering staff regarding field protocols and geomorphic assessment techniques via shared field work and short course workshops.

Client: Santa Clara Valley Water District