Leadville, Co.
Stream Channel Design /Geomorphic Assessment/ Stream Channel Surveys/ Hydrologic, Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Analysis/Bank Stabilization Design
The riparian areas and stream channel along this reach of the Arkansas River have been damaged by historic mining activities in the upstream watershed that have deposited contaminated sediments along the channel floodplain denuding vegetation and leading to excessive bank erosion. Erosion problems have been exacerbated by flow regime changes in the channel tributaries resulting from trans-basin diversions.
A Natural Resources Damages (NRD) settlement project has been implemented by State and Federal Agencies to remedy the damages to the Upper Arkansas River HGD has been contracted by the NRCS, Lake County Conservation District and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to plan, design and implement stream restoration and bank stabilization practices along 4 miles of the Upper Arkansas River and 5 miles of Lake Fork Creek along private lands to remedy these damages. This project has required communication and collaboration with 10 different private land owners with varying objectives and constraints concerning the stream corridors on their property.
HGD has been able to bridge these differing objectives to bring consensus in moving forward with the large scale restoration project. HGD has also guided LCCD through the construction contracting process, pre-qualification process and provides detailed construction management services to the restoration implementation process. The overall budget of this project is 5 million dollars over a 5 year implementation period. This work will tie in with public agency restoration on government owned lands ultimately resulting in restoration of 15 continuous miles of stream channel along this headwater stream.
Client: NRCS, Lake County Conservation District, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, private landowners